Different religious ways of handling the dead body after death:

Here are some different religious ways of handling the dead body after death:

1. Islam: Burial within 24 hours, washed and wrapped in white cloth (Kafan), facing towards Mecca.

2. Christianity: Funeral service, burial or cremation, often with a wake or viewing beforehand.

3. Judaism: Burial within 24 hours, washed and wrapped in simple white shroud (Tahara), no cremation.

4. Hinduism: Cremation, ashes scattered in holy water or buried.

5. Buddhism: Cremation, ashes kept in urns or buried.

6. Sikhism: Cremation, ashes scattered in running water.

7. Baha'i: Burial, no cremation, grave marked with a Bahá'í symbol.

8. Shintoism: Cremation, ashes buried or kept in family shrines.

9. Taoism: Burial or cremation, rituals focus on ensuring a peaceful transition.

10. Atheism: No specific rituals, often cremation or donation to science.

Remember, these are general practices and may vary based on individual beliefs and cultural traditions.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


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